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Conferences and Events

CUG 2012

XTreme Spring 2012

The XTreme SIG will meet in Stuttgart Germany immediately prior to CUG 2012. This one-day event is scheduled for Sunday, April 29, 2012. Participation is limited to XTreme members with current non-disclosure agreements in place with Cray. There is a modest cost to attend. Registration is required.

Guidelines for Chairing a CUG Special Interest Group (SIG) Meeting

Chairs and Deputy Chairs

Please review the Guidelines for Chairing a Session at a CUG Meeting. They are short and you should find them helpful. Following these guidelines will help ensure continuity throughout the program.

Hot issues in the technical presentations should be noted by the session chair and forwarded to the appropriate SIG Chair or Deputy Chair for incorporation into one of the SIG meetings or possibly a BOF later in the week. The SIG structure, as well as contact information can be found at the CUG Special Interest Groups page.

Chairs, Deputy Chairs, and the Cray Liaison

The Chairs, Deputy Chairs, and Cray liaisons will need to team together in order for the Special Interest Group meetings to be successful. This year is a transition to a new SIG structure. The change from a platform based structure to a subject area structure will require some experimentation and forbearance on your part. The SIG Chairs, Deputy Chairs, and Cray Liaisons need to attend the SIG meeting they represent in order to provide direction and help foster discussions.

Creating and posting an agenda prior to each SIG meeting will create more interest and thus increase attendance. The SIG Chair(s) is responsible for the agenda, as well as chairing the meeting. The following is a sample agenda prepared for a User Support SIG.

User Support SIG

1. Introductions -- Chairs, Cray liaisons, and possibly around the room (Name, Site, Systems, General Interests). Good time to pass around an attendance roster.

2. Announce any recent news from the Cray liaisons

3. Feedback on current User Support issues: (Training, Documentation, Bugtracking)

  • Outstanding bugs or problems with which users are struggling
  • New features for next release of the OS or Programming Environment. Get feedback.
  • Usability issues
  • Opinion on PGI compilers
  • Functionality missing in the libraries
  • Needs for sparse solvers
  • Etc.

4. Long term directions for Cray PE

  • What directions should Cray be looking at?
  • What features is Cray currently providing that they don't need to?

5. SIG business

  • Appointment of SIG Chair and Deputy Chair(s); results provided to the CUG Board (secretary)
  • Scheduling of BOFs
  • Usefulness of this group year-round
  • Action Items

SIG Attendance and Leadership Changes

Please take attendance and report the results of election/appointments/re-assignments for SIG Chair, Deputy Chair and/or Cray Liaison using the attached SIG Attendance Roster. Keep the original and provide copies to the Program Chair and the CUG Secretary.

News and Announcements

CUG 2012 Sponsors

High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS)
Cray Inc.
Adaptive Computing
Altair Engineering
The Portland Group
Bright Computing
Rogue Wave Software